Quite similar
but actually very

Quite similar but actually very different, a solo exhibition by Glasgow based artist, Kevin Callaghan, is a responsive multimedia installation comprising new works in clay and wood that advances the artist’s ongoing inquiry into the interplay between form and consciousness, and the potential for experiencing alternative realities.

Callaghan takes the audience on a sensorial journey exploring the gap between form and its potentiality. For this purpose, the artist presents within the space two different types of microstructure designed to stimulate both the viewer’s intellect and their emotions. In the middle of the room, eight clay sculptures are displayed on minimal black plinths of varying shapes. The uneven and porous texture of the clay is carefully worked to create a uniform surface similar to that which would be achieved through a mechanical process of production. The architectural aspect of these sculptures makes them appear like scaled down models that are suggestive of certain structures: a room; a public square; a city. On the wall, twelve geometric paintings are on show. Made of wood, each piece is coloured differently, with combinations of intersecting parallel lines. By merging geometrical patterns and different chromatic ranges, these wall pieces are intended by the artist as an exploration into form and colour to create a new aesthetical singularity. A lo-fi sound installation permeates the exhibition space. With its phonographic imperfections and fluctuating trends, the music builds a dialogue with the rational and emotional stimuli engendered by both the clay sculptures and the wall pieces.


Quite similar but actually very different is a sensorial installation based on a new emotional understanding of form that invites intricate and flexible possibilities. Through this visual process of simultaneous stasis and transfiguration, the installation connects to the audience on an immediate, physical level and creates a spatial and sonic landscape rich in sensory and poetic association.